
Link to the video..




A minesweeper like game prototype I made in two weeks, currently there are 12 different effects, when you complete a level you choose a perk (consisting of a positive and a negative effect), perks are generated randomly

MineShift is probably the most interesting effect so far...

Corner help effect makes it so that you do not have to guess corners as the mine generation alghoritm is the most straight forward one in this implementation of minesweeper



1) This is just a prototype, I may continue working on the game yet I do not guarantee it

2) It is recommended to download the game instead of running the web version

3) If I were to develop the game further I would like to add more perks that are unique / interesting, right now about half of the perks just add mines or increase hp / armor etc. Idealy I would like the game to have more original perks (Something like current Mine Shift perk)


Again, this is only a prototype that I made just for fun and do not plan on maintaining or anything, yet if I were to develop it further (assuming I have more free time and this project for some unknown reason gains some interest) I'd probably add:

1) QoL (Better flags, auto open cells based on flags, a way to take notes, more effects / JUICE, etc.)

2) More Perk effects + Perk leveling + Active abilities + Neutral effects that change the game (One effect per perk)

3) Bosses

4) A battle royale effect

PlatformsHTML5, Windows
Made withBlender, Godot
Tags2D, Roguelike
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


MyneSweepr.exe 77 MB


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are you still working on this

Nah, I dont. There's a github link if you want to do anything with the project but I'm currently working on other projects


idea: mineshift+. mines shift by random amounts each time. this is actually a positive as you can now distinguish between two separate part-mines and one whole shifted mine

i feel like mine armor should be more powerful

i suggest generating the minesweeper after the player chooses a block so i dont die immidiately to 3 consecutive mines at the very start
normal minesweeper always ensures the first square is a blank 0, connected to some numbers like 1 2 and 3
working with just 1 block or mine at the very start is not good

I see, I heard somewhere that in the old minesweeper game the center cell is safe, so in this one if your grid is 9x9 the center cell will be either a number or a blank, yet this could indeed be not enough to start a round


I love this so much. 
maybe you could turn this into a sort of MS rogue-like?
either way, ill be playing this a LOT.

Thanks! I made it open source so I hope I'll have some time to work on it one day